Hi Lees,

You may be interested in a study did on this topic, published in NERCCS 2018 proceedings, examining the psychometric properties of several published measures of systems thinking skills in combination. I've attached the most recent version of the paper, and if that doesn't work here is a direct link to the proceedings version on dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/137mn4bx16bvtyk/Wasserman%20-%202018%20-%20Give%20me%20the%20BITSTS%20A%20battery%20of%20integrated%20tests%20.pdf?dl=0 Unfortunately the URL for the tables and figures are broken, but they can be accessed here: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5768376

I have unpublished data from a follow-up study with some additional stock-and-flow questions with a more diverse sample, which I can also happily share. I will submit the questions I developed.

In addition to the Hopper and Stave taxonomy you cited, I also found that in "Development of system thinking skills in the context of earth system education" by Assaraf and Orion (2005) to be helpful.
