DynamiQueST 2016:

This year’s DynamiQueST was again held at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The System Dynamics group graciously hosted us once more at Salisbury Labs. It was an invigorating day filled with activity and terrific, capable students. The students ranged in age from 7 through 17. Their posters, 26 in all, were diverse in nature, including topics from Bicycle Helmet Usage and Head Injury to Loops in the Neolithic Revolution; from Rocket Modeling to Police Brutality; from Opiod Addiction to Wolves in Yellowstone.(See the full listing of projects in the 2016 DQ Program.)

The 62 students attending helped teachers and system dynamicists coach other students’ presentations. There were games and an afternoon Group Juggle with debrief capably led by Rebecca Niles and George Richardson. What was impressive about this year’s event was the quality of the posters and the poise and knowledge of the students. The younger students interacted competently with the older ones, both groups showing a knowledge and fluency with the tools of SD that was impressive. The event was again an exposition of student learning, with novice students learning from more experienced ones, new teachers gaining knowledge and techniques from teachers who have taught systems thinking and system dynamics for years, and everyone gaining new insights and appreciations for system dynamics from those who are proficient.

Perhaps the most impressive learning at DynamiQueST was the students showing the adults how well they can think when aided by ST/SD tools and concepts.

We are looking forward to next year and another in a long string of successful DynamiqueSTs!  

Lees N. Stuntz                    
Creative Learning Exchange        

27 Central St.
Acton MA 01720
Phone: 978-635-9797
Fax: 978-635-3737