I am a chemistry and environmental science teacher at Hanover High School, a public school in Hanover, NH and am currently on a year-long sabbatical to revise the chemistry curriculum so that it is taught in the context of environmental issues using a systems thinking approach. Having spent a considerable amount of time looking for others that have done this, I have not found much. There are a few textbooks that teach chemistry in the context of environmental and societal issues but the curriculum lacks the mathematical rigor and theory found in traditional college-prep chemistry courses. Further, systems thinking is not applied. I am hoping to spend the first four days of the course getting kids familiar with using systems thinking, and then teach the course through a systems thinking lens that increases ecological literacy through a rigorous college-prep chemistry curriculum. So I am wondering if anyone else has pursued this kind of work, is interested in developing such a curriculum and would be willing to collaborate. Respectfully, Jeannie Kornfeld