Two videos you'll wish you could unsee.

(Note the emphasis, in the first headline, on its having been a Native American man
who got tased so brutally—as if it might be better if the victim were a white man.)

Damn: Park Ranger Tases Native American Man For Walking Off Trail!

Uploaded December 29, 2020

A park ranger tasing a Native American man during a scuffle that erupted after the ranger allegedly confronted the man for walking off the trail at the Petroglyph National Monument. The rangerdeploys the taser, causing House to scream out in pain. When the ranger tries to get House to show his hands, House keeps them tightly tucked into his body and continues screaming. Posted By Persist

THREE police officers wrestle mask-less couple to the ground and arrest them after stopping them for not wearing face coverings in Birmingham shopping centre

  • Dramatic footage emerges of a man being wrestled to the ground by police
  • Wearing a face covering is compulsory by law in such shopping centres
  • The man, 20, and woman, 19, have since been released under investigation