The wan protest over this totalitarian absurdity—by its victims, their MP, and this BBC article—is almost as appalling as the COVID regulation used to justify it, and the cops' insane enforcement of it.

Covid: Women on exercise trip 'surrounded by police'

By Caroline Lowbridge
BBC News


image captionJessica Allen (left) and Eliza Moore are now sticking to walks nearer their homes

Two women have described how they were surrounded by police, read their rights and fined £200 each after driving five miles to take a walk.

The women were also told the hot drinks they had brought along were not allowed as they were "classed as a picnic".

Guidance for the current lockdown says people can travel for exercise as long as it is in their "local area".

The police force involved, Derbyshire Police, said driving for exercise was "not in the spirit" of lockdown.

One of the would-be walkers, Jessica Allen, assumed "someone had been murdered" when she arrived at Foremark Reservoir on Wednesday afternoon.

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