From Keith Rushworth:

Tiny Gibraltar Shines Huge Light on Vaccine Deaths

Ever since the epidemic began, sorting genuine Covid deaths from others has been a major issue. Now we have the added problem of vaccines in the mix. The UK now allegedly has the highest daily “Covid death” rate ever. Even higher than the “First Wave,” in spite of the substantial degree of herd immunity that has inevitably accrued since the beginning. This atypical “Second Wave” coincides with the vaccine roll-out. Are the two connected?

Gibraltar, normally called simply “Gib,” provides a very clear picture. This tiny British Colony, barely three miles long, appended to the South coast of Spain, has only 32,000 residents. It had suffered relatively little from the epidemic before the 9th January this year, with only seventeen deaths for the whole period. The death rate was well down the Deaths per Million League Table. This was not due to isolation, since Spanish workers have continued to pour into Gib every morning, and back out every evening.

Since the 9th January “Covid deaths” per million have rocketed to Third Place on the Worldometer site. Thirty-six more deaths in little over a week. What changed on the Ninth? The RAF flew in nearly 6,000 Pfizer vaccines, cooled to -70C by dry ice. They were put to use quickly to avoid the risk of degradation. Tiny Gibraltar is like a petri dish; in no other place has there been such a brutally clear relationship between vaccine roll-out and increased “Covid deaths.” Local media and Government have not even referred to the obvious connection. And media elsewhere has conveniently not noticed. Yet failing to recognise that these deaths demand, at the very least, immediate investigation, requires a criminal failure of judgement.


Gibraltar Chronicle

UK Defence Journal

On Wed, 20 Jan 2021 at 19:29, Colleen McGuire <> wrote:

Do you have a link to the gibraltar deaths? 

Visualize World Peace and Bodily Autonomy

---- On Wed, 20 Jan 2021 21:05:39 +0200 Keith Rushworth <> wrote ----

The only nice part about this is how clearly it shows when a "Covid death" is a vaccine death. Until just over a week ago, Gibraltar had only 17 deaths for the whole of the epidemic period. Since the RAF flew in the Pfizer vaccine, we have double that number of new deaths in just over a week.

It's far less obvious, for example, in the UK, where "Covid deaths" have now gone higher than in the "first wave", notwithstanding the increase in herd immunity since then. Gib is so small, and the timing of the vaccine and fresh deaths so obviously linked, that we may easily draw conclusions for other places.