I’m committing to writing this missive more regularly, though it may take me until January to get up to speed. I’m finishing my next book, Team Human, and while it’s going to be a short book it actually takes longer to write shorter. 

A whole lot is going on. Let me just list it.

1. My dear friend and sometimes collaborator Genesis Breyer P-Orridge has leukemia, which forced him to cancel is upcoming tour. I set up a GoFundMe for him, which has already passed the $30k mark. I only had the honor of doing something like this once before - back in 2006 for Robert Anton Wilson - and it really does restore one’s faith in humanity. 

2. I’ve got a ton of monologues and interviews I’m really proud of now over at http://TeamHuman.fm. You can sign up to hear this weekly podcast over there, or through iTunes, Stitcher, NPROne, and most other distribution platforms. We’ve also set up a Patreon to help pay the engineer, Stephen Bartolomei, and for the various online services, travel for guests, and so on. 

3. Like I said above, I’m careening toward the end of finishing my manifesto, Team Human, which should really knit together a lot of the ideas I’ve been working on since 1992 when I wrote Cyberia. It’s not quite a “greatest hits,” but it synthesizes everything I’ve been thinking about and working toward since those early cyberdelic days of infinite possibility. It’s a really hopeful book, which is what we need right now. 

4. I think that’s going to be my last book for a while. I’m speaking with a foundation next week that wants to fund the participatory theater project I want to create for America’s network of community theaters. I started in theater, and feel like I can use it to do something different. It’s also an opportunity to step off the stage myself for a while, and make room for others. That was the point of the TeamHuman podcast, and in the era of #MeToo, I’m feeling like it’s the best thing I can do with the platform I created. 

I’ll be back soon with new pieces and more. For now, please do check out Team Human. It’s really more than your average podcast, and models a collaborative approach to conversation I don’t see happening anywhere else right now. 

It’s okay to feel good, even when so much crap is going on. I have to keep reminding myself of that, so I thought I’d tell you, too. 

More soon


Douglas Rushkoff
•Founder, Laboratory for Digital Humanism
•Professor of Media Theory and Digital Economics, CUNY/Queens
•Fellow, Institute for the Future

Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus my new book on what went wrong in the digital economy and how to fix it.
Team Human - my weekly podcast promoting human intervention in the machine

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