We use EBSCO's AtoZ and link resolver and it is not a problem to create a link directly to a title in the AtoZ list.
Sue Beidler
Snowden Library
Lycoming College
700 College Place
Williamsport PA 17701

phone: 570-321-4084
fax:      570 321-4090
email: beidler@lycoming.edu

>>> Narda Tafuri <tafurin1@SCRANTON.EDU> 7/1/2009 12:19 PM >>>
I would also be interested in knowing how you did that as I received the same answer from Serials Solutions as Pat Thompson.
Thank you,
Narda Tafuri

Patricia Thompson wrote:
I just have a question about one thing Susan said:

At 09:29 AM 7/1/2009, SUSAN BEIDLER wrote:
For those electronic titles, the URL in our OPAC points to the entry in our AtoZ list that has the detailed holdings information for whatever format we have.

How did you do this? Do you use Serials Solutions? (I wanted to do this but when I asked Serials Solutions for a correct URL for the entry in the A-Z list they said the link syntax might change and I really should order the MARC record service if I want to do this.)

Pat Thompson

Patricia R. Thompson
Assistant University Librarian for Resource Management Services
duPont Library
University of the South
Sewanee, TN 37383


Narda Tafuri

Acquisitions & Continuing Resources Librarian

University of Scranton

Weinberg Memorial Library

Scranton, PA  18510

(570) 941-7811 - voice

(570) 941-7809 -- fax