Hi John,

Thanks so much for your advice. This is very helpful with lots of  points to think about. I will summarize to the group after all are received.


----- Original Message -----
From: "John Lucas" <jlucas@ROWLAND.UMSMED.EDU>
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:42:42 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] usage statistics question


I do not know how small or large your faculty and student population is however you might wish to ask the departmental Chairman to assist.

If you can provide them with a list of all titles in their area and have them poll their faculty to evaluate what they feel are the necessary publications in their area and what they feel they can do without immediate access and wait for ILL.  If a large dollar amount has to be cancelled you might consider eliminating charging departments the ILL costs.

What databases are these journals indexed in? Some faculty member may be doing research in a specific area that you may not be aware of and requires that expensive journal even though your cost/use is well over that $ 22.00.

Provide them with the information in your spreadsheets but also add anything else you have about those titles (ie) what databases any E access is coming from and if there will still be access if you cancel the title. Stress that another department may feel a title is essential to their mission while another does not. Add  ISI / SCOPUS / Eigen Factors.  If you have more than 1 year of Electronic usage stats and subscription costs for those years as well.

Not much of a definitive answer, and I know that these are disjointed  thoughts, but do not hesitate to involve the departments in this decision process. I helps  them feel that they have a say in the decision.

With Best Regards,


John Lucas

Serials Librarian
University of Mississippi Medical Center
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Jackson, MS 39216-4505

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