Seeking Proposals for Presentations at the Copy Cataloging Interest Group at Midwinter ALA

We would like to invite you to submit a proposal for a presentation and discussion at the upcoming Midwinter meeting of the Copy Cataloging Interest Group. The presentation should be about 15-20 minutes long and the presenter will lead the discussion. Topics can cover any aspects of copy cataloging in all types of libraries. Some topics of interest to the group are below. This is not inclusive or meant to be prescriptive or limiting in any way, just some topics that seem of current interest or were raised in the IG itself. If you would kindly submit an abstract or outline of your proposal and I and the vice-chair/chair-elect will review them and shape a program. I would like to take the opportunity to introduce you to our new vice-chair/chair-elect, Margaret (Meg) Mering from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries.



Topics covered in recent meetings have included:

Looking forward to hearing from you! Our ALA midwinter schedule has not been finalized yet and we’ll let you know as soon as it is released.


Tatiana Barr, Chair

Catalog Librarian/Copy Cataloging Team Leader

Yale University Library

Sterling Memorial Library

New Haven, Conn. 06408-8240