We have a current periodicals display in our main library, but all periodical issues at our main library not bearing the date of the current calendar year are kept in our automated warehouse appended to the building.  Whether we bind a title or not depends on its physical properties, on whether or not archival access is available on JSTOR and whatever funds are available at a given time.  As a rule, we prefer to maintain an archive of newspapers and newsmagazines on film and forego retention of paper and binding.  Titles which can be found on JSTOR we code and put in the warehouse as is and make an appointment to flush them out when they are no longer needed; however, a selection of such titles are unsuitable for coding raw and we put them in archival boxes which are coded and put in the warehouse (and flushed periodically).  We will make use of archival boxes for publications such as the Boston Review, because their dimensions are such that our bookbinder would have to make use of stitch binding.  We make use of adhesive binding (without exception) for user convenience. 
We will also make use of phase boxes if the paper is too brittle to be safely bound.  That is only done for odd retrospective projects, however.  IW

On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 11:42 AM, Scott Carlisle <carlissc@bc.edu> wrote:
At Boston College Libraries we are reassessing our practices for binding periodicals. Like many libraries we are working toward migrating our journal collections to electronic format, and we are spending more on electronic preservation. In a recent project we experimented with shelving certain titles without binding, and found that while cost savings resulted, there was no labor saved due to the work required in our ILS for location changes.

We'd love to hear what other institutions are doing:

1) Have your binding practices been affected by these issues or others, and if so, what changes have you made?

2) Have you tried any alternatives to binding, such as boxes, and has that been satisfactory?


Scott Carlisle
E-Resources & Technical Services Librarian
O'Neill Library
Boston College

I. Woodward
Serials Desk
Colgate University Libraries
Case Library and Geyer Center for Information Technology
13 Oak Drive
Hamilton, N.Y. 13346

Ph.:   315-228-7306
Fax:   315-228-7934

I haven't gone anywhere.  I'm employed.  -  Joe DiMaggio  [att.]