Hi Myrna,

Our library might be somewhat different than yours but I will offer some of my experiences.  We are a smaller library (Medical), our front desk serves as a work area, circulation desk, and reference desk combined.  We do not have quite as much traffic at the front desk as an academic library would but we are still fairly busy.  I might have 20-50 transactions in the first half of the day. Those staffing the front desk are also busy doing work in addition to handling daily transactions.

We went through a renovation years ago and created staff offices & more staff space than we had previously.  In addition, our overall library space increased significantly.  At the time we had 4 staff. The offices took staff away from the main area of the library - out of sight/sound from the daily transactions.  This, coupled with the increased traffic in the library, created a drain on the front desk that has become increasingly worse over the years. Although the staff space is invaluable, and was much needed, it requires some thought. 

My feelings on this:
1. it IS important to have dedicated staff space for work, meetings, collaboration - and if you don't plan for this you might not ever have the chance to create such space in the future. 

2. consider where you need staff and how reasonable is it to have staff there when needed.  Currently we have some staff who are working between two workstations which can be frustrating. 

3.  Most important, think about how the space will be used, what you're doing now & what you might be doing differently in the future (ex: more online resources = less binding, etc).  The trend in most renovations now is to have flexible space - movable dividers instead of permanent walls.

Hope this helps.


Pam Scott, MLISc
Technical Information Specialist
Tripler Medical Library
1 Jarrett White Road
Tripler Army Medical Center, HI  96859-5000
Ph: 808.433.6391
Fx. 808.433.4892

On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 2:37 PM, Myrna Hermann <m.hermann@cqu.edu.au> wrote:

Dear Serialst Members,

Our library is about to undergo a full refurbishment and we are looking at locating all or as many staff on the one level.

We currently have 3 levels in our Library that house Lending Services, Information Services and Resources & Access Services all on different floors.

Have any other libraries gone down this track and if so, what are your thoughts about the outcome.

Were you consulted early in the process about how your area would function?

What impact did such a major change have on your staff and section?

Would you be in a position to send some photos of your areas?

We always hear about the client side of libraries but very little about staff areas.

All information greatly received and much appreciated.

Kind regards,

Myrna Hermann

Serials Section

CQUniversity Library

Building 10, Bruce Highway

Rockhampton QLD 4702


Ph: Myrna +61 7 4923 2665

Ph: Carol    +61 7 4923 2663

Ph: Di          +61 7 4923 2664
Fax: +61 7 4930 6381

Email: library-serials@cqu.edu.au

Website: www.cquni.edu.au