

Apologies if this subject has already been broached; I searched the SERIALST archives but saw no discussion besides the mention of Life magazine.  Today another librarian at my institution noticed that there are now a fair number of full-text periodicals on Google Books.  Not just Life magazine, there are titles from American motorcyclist to Vegetarian times, and some older titles like Review of reviews.


For example, here’s Jet:  notice you have to scroll down to the bottom to see the years and issues available.  The “About this magazine” refers to the issue I found to reach this overview page.


It appears some older periodical titles have been treated like monographs, with no overview or easy ability to browse among issues.   Or at least this is the case with Review of reviews (AKA American monthly review of reviews, or Review of reviews and world’s work), which is classed in Google Books as a book, not a magazine.

See http://books.google.com/books?id=wycIAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA1-IA2&dq=intitle:review+of+reviews+and+worlds+books&lr=&as_brr=0&cd=3#v=onepage&q=&f=false


Has anyone tried to link to this content from their catalog and/or link resolver?   It looks pretty neat at first glance, but I can see all kinds of issues from URLs to publishers yanking content.  Any thoughts or ideas on this would be appreciated.




Diane Westerfield

Electronic Resources and Serials Librarian

Colorado College, Tutt Library

(719) 389-6661

(719) 389-6082 (fax)
