From: Reser, Dave
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2010 10:15 AM
To: 'rda-l@listserv.lac-bac.gc.ca'; 'olac-l@oclc.org'; 'oclc-cat@oclc.org'; 'autocat@listserv.syr.edu'; 'pcclist@listserv.loc.gov'; CONSRLST@LISTSERV.LOC.GOV
Subject: Informal Participation in the US National Library RDA Test
[Apologies for posting to multiple lists; please feel free to forward as necessary]
        Although the US National Library RDA Test Coordinating Committee announced the 26 formal test participant institutions last year (http://www.loc.gov/bibliographic-future/rda/test-partners.html), the Coordinating Committee is also interested in the experiences of other institutions that might be applying RDA in a test or production environment, including those only applying RDA during the open access period. 
Institutions are encouraged to participate by:
        Those interested in participating in this manner should contact lchelp4rda@loc.gov to register as an informal test participant.