Apologies for cross posting.


You are cordially invited to join the Role of the Professional Librarian in Technical Services Interest Group at its 2011 Midwinter meeting and discussion. We welcome librarians and staff interested in technical services and collections from all kinds and sizes of libraries. After the conference, a summary will be posted on the ALCTS Newsletter Online



Role of the Professional Librarian in Technical Services Interest Group

Time:   Sunday, Jan. 9, 2011, 4:00-5:30 p.m.


Location:   San Diego Convention Center - Room 31A


Topic: Batch Processing in Cataloging and Technical Services


Lead-off speakers: Annie Wu and Anne Mitchell, University of Houston Libraries, authors of Mass Management of E-Book Catalog Records. LRTS 54(3) (July 2010)


The chairs, co-chairs, and participants will introduce themselves. The speakers will present an introduction to the topic of Batch Processing in Cataloging and Technical Services, based on their published research, and then the topic will be open for questions and discussion. There will probably be time for some additional topics and announcements at the end.


2010-2011 co-chairs: Wanda Pittman Jazayeri  wpjaz@uci.edu

                                          Jack Hall   jhall@uh.edu




Jack Hall

Manager of Cataloging Services

Linguistics Librarian

University of Houston Libraries

Houston, TX 77204-2000

phone: 713 743 9687

fax: 713 743 9748

email: jhall@uh.edu