Wert Bookbinding
Grantville, PA 17028
9717) 469-0626  (800) 344-9378
FAX (717) 469-0629
Harrisburg Area Community College has been using Wert Bookbinding for years.
Kristine Sekely
Library Serials Specialist
HACC Library Central Services
1 Hacc Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17110-2903
tel 717-221-1300 ext 1625
fax 717-901-4526

>>> On 12/13/2010 at 11:52 AM, in message <AANLkTin56FJBvBB5HRtZpKN5oFjagDeSb0GF8J7hYmx2@mail.gmail.com>, Andree Rathemacher <andree@URI.EDU> wrote:
Hi all,

Ridley's Book Bindery in Ithaca, NY is going out of the library binding business.

Can people share any recommendations for other binderies in the North East? There was one (not to be named) that we had problems with in the past. I'm looking for recommendations of binderies that people have been happy with. (Not that there are that many choices left!)

Thanks in advance,

Andrée Rathemacher
Associate Professor / Head, Acquisitions
University Libraries, University of Rhode Island
15 Lippitt Road
Kingston, RI 02881-2011
work: (401) 874-5096 / fax: (401) 874-4588
google voice: (401) 267-8041
e-mail work: andree@uri.edu / e-mail personal: andree.rathemacher@gmail.com