Commercial Digest, a once a week digest of messages containing informational content from commercial bodies (i.e., publishers, publishers, vendors, agents, etc.)

   This week's digest contains 2 message:
   1) Politics & Gender journal accepted for inclusion by Thomson Reuters
   2) Catalysis Science & Technology
   3) Seattle LibraryZone eBook Summit
   4) Title change for "The Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press"
   5)  Updatd on Materials Research Society (MRS)  Publications -- Now Hosted on CIO

1) Politics & Gender journal accepted for inclusion by Thomson Reuters

Politics & Gender journal accepted for inclusion by Thomson Reuters
Susan Soule <ssoule@cambridge.org>
Mon, 7 Feb 2011 16:42:24 -0500

With apologies for cross-posting


Release date:                       02/07/2010

Country of issue:                   New York, NY, USA

Politics journal taken up by Thomson Reuters citation service

The journal, Politics & Gender, published by Cambridge University Press on
behalf of the Women and Political Research Section of the American
Political Science Association, has been accepted for inclusion in the
Thomson Reuters Social Science Citation Index from 2011.

Politics & Gender is an agenda-setting journal that publishes the highest
quality scholarship on gender and politics and on women and politics. The
journal is read by members of the Women and Politics Research Section,
political scientists, researchers in women's studies and gender

Politics & Gender aims to represent the full range of questions, issues,
and approaches on gender and women across the major subfields of political
science, including comparative politics, international relations, political
theory, and U.S. politics.

Published by the Cambridge University Press Americas division, Politics &
Gender also publishes studies that address fundamental questions in
politics and political science from the perspective of gender difference,
as well as those that interrogate and challenge standard analytical
categories and conventional methodologies.

Politics & Gender will now be indexed and abstracted in these Thomson
Reuters’ services:

♦ Social Sciences Citation Index®

♦ Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition

♦ Current Contents®/Social and Behavioral Sciences

Cambridge Journals’ Americas Marketing Manager, Susan Soule, said: “We are
delighted that Politics & Gender is to be included in these prestigious
citation services. They will help the journal to further improve its
service to the scientific and scholarly research community.”

Kim L. Fridkin, President of the Women and Politics Research Section,
commented: “The inclusion of Politics & Gender in these important citation
services signifies that this young journal is being recognized as an
important source of scholarship in a relatively short period of time”.

Politics & Gender is currently abstracted and indexed by CSA Worldwide
Political Science Abstracts (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts); Environmental
Sciences and Pollution Management; International Bibliography of the Social
Sciences; SCOPUS Feminist Periodicals Online; International Political
Science Abstracts; Article First; Electronic Collections Online;
Environmental and Pollution Management Sociological Abstracts  and
GenderWatch Online.


Notes for Editors:

For further information, please contact Hannah Gregory on +44(0)1223 325544
or email press@cambridge.org

About the Women and Politics Research Section of the American Political
Science Association

This section’s purpose is to foster the study of woman and politics within
the discipline of political science.

About the American Political Science Association

Founded in 1903, the American Political Science Association is the leading
professional organization for the study of political science and serves
more than 15,000 members in over 80 countries. With a range of programs and
services for individuals, departments, and institutions, APSA brings
together political scientists from all fields of inquiry, regions, and
occupational endeavours within and outside academe in order to expand
awareness and understanding of politics.

The direct advancement of knowledge is at the core of APSA activities. The
APSA promotes scholarly communication in political science through a
variety of initiatives including publishing three distinguished journals:
American Political Science Review, Perspectives on Politics, and PS:
Political Science and Politics.

For further information, please go to: www.apsanet.org

About Cambridge Journals

Cambridge University Press publishes around 250 peer-reviewed academic
journals across a wide spread of subject areas, in print and online. Many
of these journals are the leading academic publications in their fields and
together they form one of the most valuable and comprehensive bodies of
research available today.

For further information about Cambridge Journals, go to

About Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press is the publishing business of the University of
Cambridge, one of the world’s leading research institutions. It is the
oldest publisher and printer in the world, having been operating
continuously since 1584.

Throughout its history, the Press has maintained a reputation for
innovation and enterprise, through publishing the latest research, and
through supporting the latest methodologies for teaching and learning. Its
purpose is to advance learning, knowledge and research worldwide. It
publishes around 250 journals and over 2,500 books annually for
distribution in nearly every country in the world.

For further information, please go to: www.cambridge.org

Susan Soule
Journals Marketing Manager
Cambridge University Press, Americas
Tel: 212-337-5019
Cell: 646-468-4942
Fax: 212-337-5959

2) Catalysis Science & Technology

Catalysis Science & Technology
Louise Peck <peckl@rsc.org>
Tue, 8 Feb 2011 11:28:18 +0000

* * * Apologies for cross posting * * *

Advance Articles from the latest RSC journal Catalysis Science & Technology, are now freely available online.  

All Catalysis Science & Technology PDF content published until the end of 2012 will be free to access online, giving you and your researchers, academics, scientists and students time to fully evaluate the new journal. 

With a distinguished Editorial Board, including Co-Editors-in-Chief Piet van Leeuwen (Institut Català d'Investigació Química, Spain) and Cynthia Friend (Harvard University), Catalysis Science & Technology will appeal to readers from the entire international catalysis community, including biocatalysis, heterogeneous catalysis and homogeneous catalysis.

The first issue is due to be published at the end of March. 

For more information on Catalysis Science & Technology:
GO TO <www.rsc.org/cst>   

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All RSC Publishing customers and those on free trials with registered IP addresses automatically receive access to this Catalysis Science & Technology content and our additional current free content including:

* All content of our newest journals for the first two volumes 
* Any articles that are part of a special free access promotion
* All PDF content of RSC journals published from 1997 to 2007
* A sample chapter from each book in the RSC eBook Collection

If you are not an RSC Publishing customer, are not part of a free trial to our content, or don't have your IP address registered with us, request access to this free content:
GO TO <www.rsc.org/freeaccess>    

Your users can even continue to access this free content when not going through your authentication by creating a personal account and access saved favourites and searches:  
GO TO <www.rsc.org/personalregistration>    

Thank you for your time.

Kind regards
Louise Peck, Library Marketing Specialist
Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham House, 
Science Park, Cambridge, CB4 0WF, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1223 432669, Fax: +44 (0) 1223 420247

3) Seattle LibraryZone eBook Summit

Seattle LibraryZone eBook Summit
"Scotti, George, Springer US" <George.Scotti@springer.com>
Tue, 8 Feb 2011 15:43:55 -0500
ACRL Science & Technology Section Discussion List <STS-L@ala.org>, Lib-License <owner-liblicense-l@lists.yale.edu>, MEDLIB-L - Medical Library Association <LISTSERV@LIST.UVM.EDU>, "Physics-Astronomy-Mathematics (PAM) Electronic Discussion List" <PAMnet@listserv.nd.edu>, "SERIALST (Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum)" <SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU>, SLA Science-Technology Division Discussion List <SLA-DST@lists.sla.org>

Seattle LibraryZone eBook Summit for Academic Libraries

Doubletree Arctic Club Hotel Seattle - Downtown

April 7, 2011

10:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., followed by a networking and cocktail reception

Springer invites you to join in a unique one-day symposium about the future of eBooks as a research tool and library resource in Seattle.  In addition to learning more about the emerging market of eBooks, you will also have the opportunity to discuss the challenges and successes of implementing eBooks, and hear from librarians whose experiences can help you determine the right approach for your institution. Your participation is key to ensuring the success of the day, and we hope to see you there!


More information: http://www.springer.com/librarians/libraryzone+summits?SGWID=0-170702-12-810204-0

Register Online: http://www.regonline.com/seattleebooksummit


By registering early, you will be automatically entered in a drawing for an iPad that will be raffled at the end of the day.

4) Title change for "The Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press"

Subject :  Title change for "The Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press"
From:  Carolyn Dennell <carolyn.fennell@eastview.com>
Date:  Feb. 17 2011

Starting with Issue No. 3, Vol. 63 (2011), "The Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press" (ISSN 1067-7542) will now be titled "The Current Digest of the Russian Press".  

This change in title was prompted by the dated nature of the term "post-Soviet" in today's world. It also serves as a more accurate description of the content of the journal, which selects and translates articles exclusively from major Russian news sources.

The change in title will not affect our methodology concerning article selection, nor our careful approach to translation and editing. Rest assured that "The Current Digest of the Russian Press" will continue to publish high-quality translations of pertinent articles from the Russian press on events occurring in Russia, the CIS, Europe, the US, and the world over. 

Content from "The Current Digest of the Russian Press" will continue to be updated electronically and subscribers will have the same access to current year issues and back issues. 

We are excited about the new name and this newest chapter in the history of The Current Digest. 

New ISSN numbers: 
The Current Digest of the Russian Press (print) ISSN 2159-3612
The Current Digest of the Russian Press (online) ISSN 2159-3639

Kind regards,  
Ana Niedermaier
Director of East View Press 

Thank you and kind regards, Carolyn
Carolyn Fennell
Marketing Manager

10601 Wayzata Blvd, Minneapolis MN 55305-1526 USA
Office: +1.952.252.1201 | Fax: +1.952.252.1202
5)  Updatd on Materials Research Society (MRS)  Publications -- Now Hosted on CIO

Update on Materials Research Society (MRS) Publications -- Now Hosted on CJO
Elma Vrana <evrana@cambridge.org>
Fri, 18 Feb 2011 16:12:11 -0500

*****Apologies for cross-posting******

Update on Materials Research Society (MRS) Publications -- Now Hosted on

As previously announced, MRS journals are now being hosted on Cambridge
Journals Online (CJO). Here is an updated schedule for the migration of
back volumes, as well as when new content will become available.

1. MRS Bulletin: The January 2011 issue (Volume 36, Number 1) is available
online now at http://journals.cambridge.org/mrs. Please note that there are
no FirstView articles for this title; articles are published online in
complete issues. All available back volumes of this title are now also on

SPECIAL NOTE—2011 subscriptions to MRS Bulletin include full-text access to
all issues of the Bulletin, from March 2000 to the current issue.

2. Journal of Materials Research: The first two 2011 issues, Volume 26:
Numbers 1 and 2, are now available online. In addition, more 2011 JMR
content is available on CJO, as FirstView articles, at
http://journals.cambridge.org/jmr. Most of the JMR archives are also now
available online and the remainder will be added shortly.

SPECIAL NOTE—2011 subscriptions to JMR include full-text access to all JMR
issues from the Journal’s inception in January 1986 to the current issue.

3. MRS Online Proceedings Library: OPL content has now been migrated to CJO
at http://journals.cambridge.org/opl. More than half of the available
digital volumes, including some 2010 conference proceedings, can now be
accessed on our platform. Additional content is being added daily with the
goal of completing the transfer of all available back volumes by the end of

SPECIAL NOTE—2011 subscriptions to the OPL include over 68,000
papers—proceedings published from Volume 1 to the present.

For our library and institutional customers: We are aware that many of you
maintain a page or pages on your own servers that act as portals to the OPL
content. To assist you in updating your links, we have compiled this
spreadsheet (direct link: http://www.mrs.org/opl-conversion) containing old
addresses for each individual volume and their corresponding new locations
on the CJO site. In addition, if you are in need of a paper over the next
two weeks that is not yet posted on CJO, please contact Anita Miller at
amiller@mrs.org and she will see that the document is sent to you.

The Materials Research Society and Cambridge University Press appreciate
your patience while we complete the transfer process. If you have any
questions please contact Cambridge.

For OPL or multi-site subscription questions, please email

For all other queries please contact Customer Services:

In the Americas: email subscriptions_newyork@cambridge.org or call
Tel:	1 845 353 7500
       	1 800 431 1580

For Rest of World: email journals@cambridge.org or call
Tel: 	+44 1223 326070

Please note: Every effort is being made to complete the process of transfer
as scheduled. However, this is a complex procedure and unforeseen
circumstances may arise which cause delays.

Despite our best endeavors some content may be missing. Cambridge and MRS
are working together to fill any content gaps as a priority. We apologize
for any inconvenience that this may cause.

Elma Vrana
Associate Marketing Manager, Journals
Cambridge University Press,
Email: evrana@cambridge.org
Website: www.cambridge.org

 *The Commercial Digest is compiled once a week by the SERIALST moderators.  We reserve the right to reject messages that are purely for advertising or product/service solicitation, with little or no informational content, or that contain content that is not within the scope and purpose of SERIALST:

SERIALST Moderators contact information: