My contact is Maggie Roling. Her email is []. She has reply to my emails.
Rosana Salinas
Serials Librarian
University of Texas Pan American
(956) 665-2759
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Cowan, Cynthia D
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2011 2:45 PM
Does anyone know what is happening at HERITAGE MICROFILM? I cannot get anyone on the phone and we are not current with the microfilm we receive from them. If anyone has a name and phone number for someone who may know what is going on, I would love to have it.
I thought someone had posted something about them in the last six months but I could find nothing in the Archives. Thank you for any information anyone is able to provide.
Cyndie Cowan
Print Serials Acquisitions Section
E-Resources & Serials Management
CB# 3938, Davis Library
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-8890
Phone: (919) 962-1067
Fax: (919) 962-4450