hi all:
I am working on setting up an ERM for our electronic items.  I have not been involved with managing our e items before and am feeling a bit overwhelmed and a lot baffled.
I have so many questions.  I hope no one minds if I throw them out from time to time????
I've not been able to find out if certain vendors are counter compliant.  I have emailed and have not been answered.  I do have a list from the counter project but it does not contain big vendors like Facts on File or LexisNexis and many others.
Most of the databases we have access to have been purchased through consortial agreements, so we do not have personal relationships with the database vendors, altho we do with the consortium folks. 
When you pay for a huge package negotiated by your consortium with a large vendor (ebscohost for instance) and the price is all inclusive of all the titles and there's no individual price listed for each title, what do you put for cost?  zero?  leave it blank?
I have gotten copies of some of the licensing agreements but have not been awfully successful getting URLs to link to from vendors.  I have been emailed some and have been asked by one consortium not to link to it.  Do you ignore the licensing fields in your ERM?
I know that when I get all these questions settled that the data entry will be a breeze.  This is just  my attempt to educate myself re: the management of electronic databases/serials.
Thank you all for any insight, help, etc you may have.

Lynn Coakley
Coordinator of Technical Services
Springfield Technical Community College
One Armory Sq.
Springfield, MA  01102
fax 413.755.6315