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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [PCCLIST] PCC Statement on the LC/NAL/NLM RDA Implementation decision
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 06:40:34 -0700
From: Riemer, John <jriemer@LIBRARY.UCLA.EDU>
Reply-To: Program for Cooperative Cataloging <PCCLIST@LISTSERV.LOC.GOV>

The PCC affirms its support of the US national libraries’ decision to implement RDA, slated to be no sooner than January 2013, and looks forward to collaborating with them in this effort. 


Among the anticipated benefits for user discovery and access are making the FRBR model more of a reality, making metadata more machine-actionable, supporting the semantic web, making data more internationally understandable (e.g. by un-abbreviating), lifting the rule of 3, and others.   


PCC has already formed three task groups on RDA to begin preparing for this transition, and others will be formed as warranted.  The PCC Policy Committee will also be preparing a set of PCC RDA FAQs to be posted on the PCC RDA web site.  PCC's goal during the shift to RDA is to develop and foster effective and efficient means of implementing a new set of rules, while gaining a maximum amount of benefits from them.


The PCC Post RDA Test Guidelines remain in effect until further notice. 


Please feel free to distribute this statement further.





John Riemer

Head, UCLA Library Cataloging & Metadata Center

Kinross South

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Box 957230

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Los Angeles, CA  90095-7230

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