[Please excuse any cross-posting or duplication.]

Great Lakes E-Summit
Ervin J. Nutter Center
Wright State University
Dayton, Ohio


October 10 – 11, 2011





Registration is now open for the first annual Great Lakes E-Summit, a regional conference focused on electronic resources.  We have an interesting and informative program planned, which includes notable regional practitioners speaking on all aspects of e-resources.  Of special note is a workshop on e-resources access issues that will provide a better understanding of the workflow and information needs for all parties in the e-resources information chain, as well as best practices to implement in your workplace.




We hope you can join us for this exciting conference!




Individuals - $100
NASIG members - $50.00   (NASIG members must provide membership number to receive discount.)

To register: http://greatlakese-summit.blogspot.com/p/registration.html

Please note - space is limited so register early!  Registration will close as soon as it is full!




For more information
Check out our web presence at: http://greatlakese-summit.blogspot.com/



Email us at: GreatLakesSummit@gmail.com




Please share this information with all of your regional colleagues.


We hope you'll be able to attend this first annual Great Lakes E-Summit information-packed conference.