Apologies for cross-posting.
We load records from Serials Solutions for our electronic journals and update holdings in WorldCat using the eSerials Holdings service offered by OCLC.  I have recently gotten confirmation from OCLC support that a 50% match rate is the best we can expect (for a library of our size).  The November eSerials Holdings Service Summary Report  indicates that out of 47,239 of records processed, 24,025 were unresolved, i.e., no WorldCat records were matched for these titles to set our holdings.   I am interested in hearing from those, who use the same two services, if you are experiencing the same low matching rate and how you handle the unresolved records.  Manually review the unresolved records and update holdings?  Not worry about it and do nothing?
Thank you.
Janet Lee-Smeltzer
Head, Cataloging and Metadata Services
The University of Alabama Libraries
Box 870266
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0266
Phone: 205-348-6022
Fax: 205-348-6358