We're on OhioLINK, and the check-in displays are available by clicking on the hot link "Latest Received"
in the record.

Claire Fohl
Periodicals Program Coordinator
Columbus State Community College Library
Columbus Hall
550 East Spring Street
Columbus, OH  43215
614-287-2466 (office)
800-621-6407,  ext. 2466
>>> Rosana Salinas <salinasr2@UTPA.EDU> 3/2/2012 12:03 PM >>>

I’m currently analyzing the best way to display our holdings for the newspapers.  For example, Austin American-Statesman, Dallas Morning News, The Los Angeles Times, etc.  The person supervising this area would like for our patrons to have access to our exact holdings.  We can provide a link that will take them to our check-in boxes.  All we provide right now is this:  (10/01/2011-Current) Some scattered issues may be missing.  I should also mention that we keep most of our newspapers behind a desk.  Only the most current issue is on display.  Neither of us is a cataloger.  Although I don’t really see a problem with this idea, I have not found a library that gives the patron this much information.


Does anyone provide exact holdings for newspapers? 


Rosana Salinas

Serials Librarian

University of Texas Pan American

(956) 665-2759