We've noticed some problems intermittently when users try to access an article in Science Direct using our link resolver--error messages. Often, they go away after a few minutes. I've asked staff to forward any instances to me. I haven't taken any steps to correct it -- yet. However, I will likely start with EBSCO, our LinkSource provider. 


Beth M. Johns, MLIS
Electronic Resources & Reference Librarian
Melvin J. Zahnow Library
Saginaw Valley State University
LinkedIn: Beth M. Johns, MLIS
Facebook: Beth Johns
Twitter: Beth_M_Johns

Foursquare: Beth Johns

From: "Mariyam Thohira" <mthohira@HOTMAIL.COM>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 10:11:58 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Elsevier journals access issue

Is anyone having access issues with Elsevier journals? We seemed to be having spotty access with Elsevier now at least for a week. One minute we have access and the next it is an error message opening PDF. We couldn’t seem to pin point what it is and Elsevier couldn’t seem to help us though they have been on it from the beginning.


If anyone is having this same issue and was able to successfully resolve it, could you share with us what you did?


Thanks so much for the help.




Mariyam Thohira

Acquisitions Coordinator

Johns Hopkins University




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