To all:
I hope this has not been discussed ad nauseum......
We have had a retirement effective June 30.  The position won't be re-filled.  The person was the paper periodicals check in person.  We don't have a huge collection any more (approx. 225 titles), but still I can't figure out how to wriggle room from any one else's time.  We are a union shop and people are allowed to say - not  my job - so it's fallen to me and a work study who is good but as we know with work studies, they tend to just vanish.
So, my thought is moving toward not checking them in and taking our chances.  We deal with Ebsco whose staff is all so helpful.  I just want to talk with anyone who has made this decision to see if it's been a disaster or if it's been doable.  If this has been discussed to death and I just don't remember (I tend to delete if it's a topic that I'm not interested in at that moment) could you reply to me off list?
Thanks very much
(and that doesn't even go to our retiree's acquisitions job)

Lynn Coakley
Coordinator of Technical Services
Springfield Technical Community College
One Armory Sq.
Springfield, MA  01102
fax 413.755.6315

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