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Registration is now open for: Working Outside of the Library: “With Google you are not limited. You have as much as you can pull up.”

Date:  Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Time: 3:00 pm (EST)

Length:  1 hour

Registration deadline:  Monday, May 13, 2013


NASIG members:  $35

Non-members:  $50

Group participants:  $95

Registration:  https://secure.associationsonline.com/amo/nasig/registration/public_event_register.cfm?pk_event=363  


Researchers and students expect seamless access to full-text sources and are confident in their own ability to find and use information. The ways people acquire information are changing from national to global, linear to linked and print to digital. However, being able to critically evaluate and select information is much more difficult than being able to find information that will satisfice the need; therefore, creating an opportunity for education and support. Librarians need to develop new ways of providing services and systems to meet the needs of library users and to attract library non-users. Dr. Lynn Silipigni Connaway will discuss the common themes and findings of multiple US and UK user behaviour studies to help librarians make informed decisions.

Speaker:  Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist, OCLC

Speaker Bio: 

Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Ph.D., is a Senior Research Scientist at OCLC Research. She has experience in academic, public, and school libraries, as well as library and information science education. Connaway has completed several UK and US externally-funded projects to investigate users' behaviors and has been funded by the IMLS to study virtual reference services and the Social Question & Answer community. She is the co-author of the 4th and 5th editions of Basic Research Methods for Librarians, has published numerous papers in refereed journals, and presents her research in both national and international venues.  

This webinar is brought to you by the North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG). For further information, contact the NASIG Continuing Education Committee at cont-educ@nasig.org.



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