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This is a last call for submissions to the next "E-Resource Round Up" column for volume 25, number 3 of the Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship (JERL). If you've attended a professional conference or program recently, please consider submitting a report for the column.


The "E-Resource Round Up" column is dedicated to helping JERL readers better understand topics related to the ever-changing world of electronic resources and their roles in libraries. It covers developments in the areas of new and emerging technologies and systems related to electronic resources and the digital environment; reports from professional discussion groups, meetings, presentations, and conferences; news and trends related to electronic resource librarianship; tips and suggestions on various aspects of working with electronic resources; opinion pieces; vendor activities; and upcoming events of potential interest to JERL readers.


Your contribution to the column does not have to be lengthy, and could be on any of the topics listed above. This can be an ideal opportunity for you to report on programs that may benefit others in our profession.


The editors would like to receive submissions to the next column by Friday, May 24, 2013. Submissions should not be published elsewhere.


If you have a submission or questions, please contact the column editors:


Bob Wolverton

Mississippi State University Libraries

(662) 325-4618


Karen Davidson

Mississippi State University Libraries

(662) 325-3018  

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