
I would also be interested to hear the outcome of this discussion.




Judith A. Stubbs

Assistant Director, Library Technical Services

Oral Roberts University

7777 S. Lewis Ave, LRC 414B

Tulsa, OK  74171

(918) 495-6889

(918) 495-6727 fax




From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [] On Behalf Of Barbara Pope
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] eJournal Packages and Management for Small Academic Library


Hi, Glenn.  I would also be interested in hearing about this.  We already have quite a few individual online only journal titles and some packages (ACS, Sage, etc.), but am interested in what others recommend.




Barbara M. Pope, MALS

Periodicals/Reference Librarian

Axe Library

Pittsburg State University

1701 S. Broadway

Pittsburg KS  66762



From: "Glenn Ferdman" <glenn.ferdman@PARK.EDU>
Sent: Monday, November 4, 2013 1:50:03 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] eJournal Packages and Management for Small Academic Library


Hi, Whom do you recommend for the purchase and management of eJournal packages across all subject areas?


We’re a small academic library looking to replace our current print journals with their electronic equivalents,
and have limited staff resources to register / configure access to individual titles.


Thanks in advanced for your suggestions




Glenn Ferdman, MLS
Director of Library Services
Park University
8700 NW River Park Dr., Box 61
Parkville, MO 64152

P: (816) 584-6707

F: (816) 741-4911



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