We have decided to end the call for volunteers earlier than originally stated. The response has been wonderful. We have a terrific pool of volunteers to review and will be in touch with volunteers shortly.

Thank you everyone!

​Christine Dulaney and Harriet Wintermute,
​2015 ​
Helen Goldman,
​RPLTS-IG 2015 ​
Co-Vice Chair​

On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 8:26 AM, h.e.wintermute <hewintermute@gmail.com> wrote:
:: Please excuse duplication - this is being sent to multiple listservs. ::

​​The ALA ALCTS Interest Group Role of the Professional Librarian in Technical Services is looking for a volunteer to serve as Co-Vice Chair in 2015 and as Co-Chair in 2016.

The 2015 Co-Chairs are Christine Dulaney and Harriet Wintermute. You will work with us and Helen Goldman, the other Co-Vice Chair, with planning and holding RPLTS-IG sessions at Midwinter and Annual.

You will be expected to attend both the Midwinter meeting and the Annual conference during 2015 (as Co-Vice Chair) and 2016 (as Co-Chair), and to participate in session planning and delivery. No prior experience is needed; the Co-Vice Chairs learn the ropes during the first year working with the Co-Chairs. 

If you are interested in current and emerging topics or trends related to the role of the professional librarian in technical services, please submit your name,
​ contact information, and your volunteer interest to Christine (cdulaney@american.edu) and Harriet (hewintermute@gmail.com) by September 30.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Christine Dulaney and Harriet Wintermute,
​2015 ​
Helen Goldman,
​RPLTS-IG 2015 ​
Co-Vice Chair

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