***Cross-posted to multiple lists; please excuse duplication.***

ALCTS Past Event Archives

e-Forum Archives (http://www.ala.org/alcts/confevents/past/e-forum)
Webinar Archives (

We all know how it goes:  you see an announcement for a webinar or an ALCTS e-Forum that is on an interesting topic, but your calendar appointments, workload, and life all conspire against you, and you realize two days late that the event has already passed.  Fear not: the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services takes preservation seriously and archives content from the e-Forums and webinars.  As of July 1, 2015, webinar recordings are available at no cost 6 months after the original presentation on the ALCTS YouTube Channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/alctsce)!

Some recent events include:

·        Hire Right the First Time: Best Practices for Building the Team You Need

·        Research Projects: Identification to Publication

·        How to Host a Preservation Week Event

·        How to Present a Webinar


·        Trends and Advancements for Library Resource Discovery

Two notes on the archived e-Forums:  first, many have summaries in addition to the actual message threads, but not all.  Second, the threads are archived on ALA’s Sympa list system which requires clicking the “I am not a spammer” button.  Once that button has been pressed in a browser session, you can follow a link to the start of a message thread.

Happy reading and viewing!

Association for Library Collections & Technical Services
a division of the American Library Association

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