You decide! #erl16 Community Voting Starts Now!

The ER&L Program Planning Committee led by Elizabeth Winter (Georgia Tech) welcomes and encourages the community to participate in an open, easy and anonymous community vote of submitted proposal on e-resources management and related topics under consideration for the 2016 ER&L Conference program agenda. 

Community voting requires no registration and is open now through Friday, October 30th.


Happy voting!


ER&L Conference Coordinator/ Data & Society Research Institute Fellow

p.s. This is one of my favorite aspects of ER&L… from submitters plugging their submissions on social media and active participation from the hundreds -- actually nearly a 1000 of you -- jumping in and picking sessions you’d like to see at ER&L. I hope you can give this a few minutes of your time. It can be really insightful to simply peruse submissions to see current trends in the field.

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