The NETSL Board is pleased to announce a new Executive Board position:

NETSL Student Member-At-Large.


Any library student enrolled in a library or information science degree program is eligible for nomination. The prospective representative will serve for a minimum of one year and a maximum of two years, and receive valuable experience behind the scenes in organizing a professional conference, and help our organization keep a more diverse range of experiences in mind when planning programming for an ever-changing profession. We do not expect the person to be a library school student for the duration of the term.


We'd like your help to reach out to the promising librarians-in-training that you work with in your institutions or in classrooms.


Please email your nominee's name, school affiliation, and email address, and we'll be in touch to gauge their interest in this opportunity. Contact: William Shakalis at

William Shakalis, MSLIS
Associate Librarian/Cataloging
Liaison to Philosophy, Communications, Sociology
Worcester State University
(508) 929-8676

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