Hello all,
I’m pleased to report that the Sage journals pages seem to be working again. Not too sure what happened, maybe just one of those weekend jobs that had unexpected consequences!
I had a call from Alicia at Sage Publishing’s Melbourne office. She didn’t know about any working going on with their website, but was also pleased to know that it was working again anyway.
Many thanks,
Helen Cahill
From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG]
On Behalf Of Steve Oberg
Sent: Monday, 2 May 2016 11:23 a.m.
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Problems with Sage?
Yes, same here.
On Sun, May 1, 2016 at 4:18 PM -0700, "Cahill, Helen" <H.Cahill@MASSEY.AC.NZ> wrote:
Greetings from ‘down under’.
It’s Monday here, and we’re experiencing trouble with access to individual Sage journals … we simply get a blank screen. Doesn’t seem to matter which browser we use, doesn’t seem to matter if we use a direct URL to a journal or choose random
titles off the ‘browse journals’ screen at Sage Journals.
Is anybody else having trouble?
Many thanks,
Helen Cahill
Helen Cahill
Cataloguer, Collection Services
Massey University Library
Private Bag 11054
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Ph: + 64 6 350 5799 ext 83801
DDI: +64 6 951 6801
Fax: + 64 6 355 7961
emai: H.Cahill@massey.ac.nz
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