We also scan all our invoices and use a specific naming convention to keep them in a shared Google Drive folder, so we can find them as needed.

However, if the thing being paid for on the invoice is a package of some kind, the invoice itself usually does not itemize the titles/volumes being "purchased". Same problem with license agreements, particularly multi-year agreements where the vendor/publisher is allowed to bring titles in and out of the package mid-license term.

So you also have to keep careful annual records of what titles are part of what package for every single year of the licenses/subscriptions.

If anyone has worked up an in-house spreadsheet for doing all this, I'd love just to get the list of column headers you have. I'm starting to work up my own and don't want to forget to include anything important, once we start to hunt down all the records and start putting them in line by line.  If you can share a few lines of real data with me too, so I can see how you actually use those columns, that would be wonderful!

In turn, I promise that once we have something up and running, I'll share what we've come up with. It's almost certainly going to be a Google Drive spreadsheet.


On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 2:48 PM, Robert Pleshar <rpleshar@uchicago.edu> wrote:

We have started scanning our invoices so that we have records of payments in case titles are purchased by other publishers, the publisher forgets what our previous agreement was, etc. We also keep all of our licenses and amendments. These sorts of problems have not come up very often, but when they do, it is important to have the documentation.





Robert Pleshar

Electronic Resource Manager

University of Chicago Library

1100 E. 57th Street

Chicago, IL 60637

Ph: 773-702-0228




From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@listserv.nasig.org] On Behalf Of Emily Judith Ray
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2016 12:06 PM
To: SERIALST@listserv.nasig.org
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] how do you track perpetual ownership rights to serials?


I'd be interested in hearing ways to do this, too. We're doing it by notes in the order records, double checking ebsconet, etc. I'd like a more systematic approach. We just started experimenting with CORAL, but haven't gotten very far.





On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 11:00 AM, Melissa Belvadi <mbelvadi@upei.ca> wrote:

As we continue to cancel individual journals due to budget shortfalls, it is getting harder and harder to track what volumes of what journals we have perpetual access rights to, and on what platform.

For instance, if a journal changes ownership years after we've closed our holdings, we may have to go out of our way to activate our ownership rights on the new platform. Sometimes the older volumes follow the new owner, sometimes not. Sometimes third party platforms like IngentaConnect are involved.


Then there are the Big Deals, some of which include perpetual access rights to just "core" titles, some to the entire packages, and the titles going in and out of all those every year.


How is everyone managing all this? In catalogue records? In spreadsheets? In ERMs?


And if there's a dispute 10 years down the road, can you find the purchasing/licensing documentation to prove your claim to those volumes?


I'd love to hear from someone who feels fairly confident that they stay on top of these changes, to please share your secrets!



Melissa Belvadi

Collections Librarian

University of Prince Edward Island




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Emily Ray

Metadata and Discovery Services Librarian

Collections and Archives

Technology and Digital Initiatives

University of Arkansas at Little Rock

2801 S. University Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72204


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Melissa Belvadi
Collections Librarian
University of Prince Edward Island
mbelvadi@upei.ca 902-566-0581

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