Hi Katherine,


I’m seeing the same thing for our account. We use Ebsco’s Full Text Finder. It’s odd the support team said it wasn’t possible since we (admin account holders) are able to configure the OpenURL resolver in account settings. I plan to submit a ticket as well. Thank you for the heads up!





Amy Castillo
Periodicals & Electronic Resources Librarian

Tarleton State University - Dick Smith Library

254.968.9868 | acastillo@tarleton.edu


From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG] On Behalf Of Katherine Swart
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2016 10:47 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] OpenURL links not working within Cambridge Core



Please excuse my cross-posting. Is anyone else having issues with OpenURL link resolver links not showing up within Cambridge Core? For the sake of an example, I’m using SFX, which is our OpenURL link resolver.


Suppose I do a search for a topic in Cambridge Core. If I find an article I like and click on it, I’ll either be taken to a page with the full text (meaning I have access to the content) or I’ll see a page with the article’s abstract only (meaning I don’t have access to the content). On articles I don’t have access to, I should be able to have an SFX link appear so I can check to see if I have access to the article elsewhere. However, I can’t get the SFX link to appear even though I’ve configured it in the admin module. There is a “Get access” link, but that just recommends a subscription to the librarian.


I have submitted this to Cambridge tech support and they said what I’m asking for isn’t possible. Is anyone else dealing with this?




Katherine Swart
Collection Development Librarian
Calvin College | Hekman Library
1855 Knollcrest Circle SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546-4402
phone: 616-526-6311




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