
Libraries are busy purchasing data sets from vendors and providing (research)data management services for scholars. While it brought excitement and opportunities to libraries a new area to incorporate and thus expand its services, it also brought challenges, notably how to describe and provide access to the data. Because of its characteristics, metadata for data can be designed based on the system that the data is stored and used for management and discovery, or the user community that data is created for and used by. The special issue of the Journal of Library Metadata tries to assess common practices in description of data, challenges encountered, and share the best practices used in the library domain.  


Recommended topics include, but are not limited to the following:

·  Locally developed application profile or emerging metadata standard for data and data sets (data collections) and the purpose of the profile or standard (i.e. preservation, description, and/or management)

·  Tools or systems used for data cataloging and their strengths and weaknesses

·  Newly developed ontology and vocabularies for data and data sets

·  Best practices and consideration for data cataloging including successful use cases

·  Metadata that provides intellectual access to big data (social media data, sensor data, and other similar large data)

·  Experimentation of linked data in data cataloging and discovery services

·  Skill sets required for data cataloging in addition to traditional cataloging skills

Submission Procedure

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before September 15, 2017, a proposal (between 500 to 700 words) clearly explaining the objectives and concerns of his or her proposed article.  Authors of accepted proposals will be notified shortly about the status of their proposals. Full manuscripts (3000-7000 words) are expected to be submitted by November 15, 2017.  All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. 

Please forward submissions electronically (Word document) to the guest editors at:  

·       Myung-Ja (MJ) K. Han(mhan3@illinois.edu)

·       Karen Hogenboom (hogenboo@illinois.edu)

The Journal of Library Metadata—retitled from the Journal of Internet Cataloging to reflect a wider focus—is the exclusive forum for the latest research, innovations, news, and expert views about all aspects of metadata applications in libraries and about the role of metadata in information retrieval. This focused journal comprehensively discusses practical, applicable information that libraries can effectively use in their own information discovery environments. Specialized knowledge, the latest technology, and top research are presented pertaining specifically to evolving metadata use in libraries. More information about the Journal of Library Metadata can be found online at http://taylorandfrancis.com/.

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