

I am working with the storage of extremely fragile local newspapers.   I am wondering if anyone has experience with dealing with newspapers so brittle that they fall apart when the pages are opened.   We are thinking about having the newspapers digitized but have run into a few questions.  First, the publisher is no longer in existence and  therefore, we won’t be able to secure permission to duplicate these items from the 1960’s.  Secondly, what is the suitability for digitization of a newspaper in this condition?   The fragile nature of the paper presents a problem lying the items flat.  In the case of one or two of the titles, we are the only library with holdings.  Does anyone have advice regarding a company who deals with materials in poor condition.  Price would be a factor as well.




Diane Faust

Serials Librarian

Clifford E. Barbour Library

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

616 N. Highland Ave.

Pittsburgh, PA  15206
