I am a new library director at a small liberal arts college (library staff of 2), and I am now responsible for a huge binding project of our automotive literature. I just added myself to this list, and I’ll look forward to learning from you all!


I have a couple situations that I’m not 100% sure what to do with:

·         We have a monthly publication, Motor Service, that does not include volume or issue numbers. In that case, would I just include the publication name and date range on the bound spine? i.e.:

Motor Service

Jan-Jun 1966

·         We have some publications that ended or changed names mid-year. For instance, the final publication year of Sports Car Graphic only runs through June, even though a volume was typically Jan-Dec. In that case, do I consider these issues a full volume, or should I specify the month range? i.e.:

Sports Car Graphic





Sports Car Graphic


Jan-Jun 1971


Thanks for your help!



Jamie Makatche

Library Director

Miller Library

McPherson College

1600 E Euclid St

McPherson, KS 67460


620-374-9622 (call/text)