Binding Question (Germaine Linkins) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 05 Dec 2000 19:15 UTC

Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 11:34:33 -0600
From: Germaine Linkins <Germaine@GML.LIB.UWM.EDU>
Subject: Binding Question

To List Members:

I am sending this request to the Serials Listserv because, in my experience,
most Binding Units come under the pervue of Serials Departments.
How many of your binding operations pay attention to Title Pages and
Tables of Contents that are often included in the last issue of a journal
volume?  Do you remove them and have them bound at the beginning of the volume?
Or do you ignore them.  I would appreciate learning of your rationale for
whichever decision you have made.  Thank you for your help.

Germaine C. Linkins
Head, Serials Department
Golda Meir Library
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
P. O. Box 604
Milwaukee, WI 53201
voice: (414) 229-6726
fax:     (414) 229-6791