MidWinter ALA Meeting Announcement (Shelley Neville) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 06 Dec 2000 15:14 UTC

Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 15:51:58 -0700
From: S.Neville@EPIXTECH.COM
Subject: Mid Winter ALA Meeting Announcement

BASIC and NISO are sponsoring a joint standards program at Mid-Winter ALA.
Please note the following date on your calendar and plan on attending a
session discussing international identifiers, ONIX and the AAP standards
for ebooks.
Date:  January 14 (Sunday)
Time:  4:30-6:00
Place: Mayflower Renaissance Hotel, Senate Room
More details to come regarding speakers.

Shelley Neville                                          voice
Product Manager                                          fax (801)223-5265
epixtech, inc.