Serials Solutions Users Group Meeting @ ALA Midwinter San Diego
Gary Ives 16 Dec 2003 19:42 UTC
To one, to all,
Did you realize that ALA Midwinter is only 25 days away??? Time to
compile your conference calendar!
I'm hoping you can include the Serials Solutions Users Group Meeting in
your calendar, scheduled for:
>--Saturday, January 10
>--Convention Center Room 5
At NASIG this past year, a small number of us Serials Solutions users
met. There seemed to be a consensus among that small group that a
somewhat more formalized Users Group might be valuable, as an advisory
group to our good friends at Serials Solutions, Inc., concerning product
development and enhancements, and as a two-way communications venue for
both customers and company.
If you agree, this will be an organizational meeting of the Users Group
at which:
1.) We will elect a co-chair who, will take full responsibility as
chair following the 2004 ALA Annual Meeting.
2.) We will discuss any other organizational matters that seem
appropriate, such as:
a.) Are there any other offices that should be created and
b.) Are there any tasks that need to be worked on between
Midwinter and Annual?
c.) Will our meeting schedule be Midwinter, Annual and NASIG?
Or just 2 meetings a year? Or just 1?
d.) Are there other organizational matters that should be
discussed (let me know)?
3.) We will discuss any immediate product development or enhancement
issues or questions that you may have.
4.) We will hold at least 15 minutes at the end for news from our
friends at Serials Solutions and any discussion that might follow.
In the time between now and ALA, please send me:
1.) Nominations or volunteers for candidates for Co-Chair/Chair-elect
of the Serials Solutions Users Group (the election will be the first
order of business...BTW, I will not be a candidate.)
2.) Any agenda items that you would like to see that you don't see
See you in San Diego!
Best regards,
Gary Ives
Assistant Director of Acquisitions &
Coordinator of Electronic Resources
Texas A&M University Libraries
5000 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-5000
Phone: (979) 458-0726
FAX: (979) 458-1630