Nature issue / NPG customer service SERIALST Moderator 21 Jul 2006 15:59 UTC

Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 09:00:12 -0500
From: Chris Koehler <>
Subject: Re: NPG customer service

I extend my sympathies to all who did not receive the January 5, 2006 issue
of Nature, apparently we were one of the lucky ones.

I have had issues with NPG's service also, we placed a new order last
September for one of the Nature offshoot publications, Nature Chemical
Biology, that included the back issues published to date.  We eventually
did get all the issues, but our Ebsco rep had to badger NPG, first to get
the order entered and then to get the issues sent which took numerous phone
calls and emails.  Early in the process the NPG customer service rep
suggested that it was a problem with our post office and that we have a
'magazine subscription watch' put on our issues because they were showing
the issues going out.  Needless to say they hadn't been going out but it
seems like poor customer service to me to suggest that it's a problem on
the customer's end without thoroughly checking out your side.  For what
they charge for their publications they should be providing top of the line
customer service.

Chris Koehler                              Email:
Magrath Library: Serials Dept.             Phone: 612-624-3755
University of Minnesota                   Fax: 612-625-3134
1984 Buford Ave.
St.Paul, MN 55108  USA