Serials Vendor Use vs. Direct Buying
Pamela Haley 06 Jul 2006 12:48 UTC
I am interested in knowing if there is anyone out there who, having
used a serials vendor, has gone back to in-house
purchasing/processing and why. I am trying to justify keeping our
serials vendor. I have a staff member who is philosophically opposed
to vendors and has succeeded in convincing the Head Librarian that
bringing this work back in-house is the best way to go.
Thanks for any and all help.
Pamela Haley, BA (Hons), MLS, MPA
Associate Librarian
William R. Lederman Law Library,Queen's University
Kingston, Ont. Canada K7L 3N6
613 - 533 - 2918 ; 613 - 533 - 2594 (fax)
"A mind is like a parachute: it only functions when it's open."