Hello, Rachel...the advice of others regarding the stability of the
vendor is important (you may read about the RoweCom/Divine/Faxon
failure). You may also want to consider that smaller vendors often want
their payment up front, while a larger vendor can afford to "lend" you
money by not insisting on payment up front.
Good luck.
>Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2006 15:44:57 +0200
>From: Rachel <rachelb@MACAM.AC.IL>
>Subject: changing vendors
>Dear Librarians
>What do other serial librarians think about frequently changing vendors.
>Last year we transferred all our subscriptions to one vendor (130 =
>journals). This year my boss insisted I get an estimate from another =
>vendor to see who was cheaper and either play one off the other or to =
>simply jump boat and change vendors again!.
>What good reasons can I give her as to why this is not a good idea
other =
>than items that never turn up or double issues. For her, the financial =
>aspect is the only issue! . There is actually quite a substantial =
>difference.I have insisted that she first negotiate with our present =
>vendor which she has agreed to do.=20
>Thanks for any insights
>Rachel Ben-Eliezer
>Serials Librarian and Interlibrary Loan Services=20
>POB 3578
>Jerusalem 91035
>Tel: 02-6558180
>Fax: 02-6521548
>E-Mail: rachelb@macam.ac.il