Re: PC Magazine question Kristen Fredericksen 05 Feb 2009 15:11 UTC

Hi Roman,
    We canceled our subscription because of this change.


Panchyshyn, Roman wrote:
> Folks,
> I don't post here often, but I have a question. We were recently informed that PC Magazine will no longer publish a print edition, and beginning in Feb. 2009, will be online only. That's fine, but here is my question. They are going to a distribution model that consists of having a file delivered to the subscriber's e-mail.
> See:,2817,2335009,00.asp
> Did anyone give any thought how this was going to work for a library subscription?
> We have been receiving back issues through EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete. I wonder if EBSCO will still continue to provide access.
> Roman S. Panchyshyn, MLIS
> Catalog Librarian, Assistant Professor
> Libraries & Media Services
> Kent State University
> tel: 330-672-1699
> e-mail:


Kristen Fredericksen
Head Information Processing
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