IPEDS #... Renner, Kathy (04 Apr 2016 14:40 UTC)
Re: IPEDS #... MSaunders@GALLERY.CA (04 Apr 2016 16:12 UTC)
Re: IPEDS #... Beth Johns (04 Apr 2016 16:32 UTC)
Re: IPEDS #... Hockenberry, Benjamin (04 Apr 2016 17:40 UTC)
Re: IPEDS #... Nikki DeMoville (04 Apr 2016 18:09 UTC)

Re: IPEDS #... Hockenberry, Benjamin 04 Apr 2016 17:40 UTC

As far as the Sierra WebPAC goes, it should be possible, if you use Google Analytics in your Sierra catalog, to use JQuery to append a "trackEvent" to any links in the WebPAC that include "gutenberg.org" in their URL.  This could also be done in a discovery service.

Possible, but is it worth it?  I don't know.

We don't currently load Gutenberg or DOAB MARC records into our catalog, so we dodged this part of IPEDs.  But I'm unsure how we would get the usage of e-Serial titles in the DOAJ feed in our discovery service -- the E-journal usage section of the ACRL stats instructions also says to include OA titles if they're searchable from the catalog or discovery interface.  There may be clickthrough stats from our link resolver for DOAJ links...oh, bother.

Ben Hockenberry, Systems Librarian
Lavery Library, St. John Fisher College | 3690 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618
(585) 385-8382 | bhockenberry@sjfc.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG] On Behalf Of Beth Johns
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] IPEDS #...

I think my director would love to but we are under orders from Instituional Research. So in our case, we are obligated.

----- Original Message -----
From: MSaunders@GALLERY.CA
Sent: Mon, 04 Apr 2016 12:12:47 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] IPEDS #...

Why don't you just hit the delete button and forget about it. Who has time for this stuff??

From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG] On Behalf Of Renner, Kathy
Sent: April-04-16 10:40 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] IPEDS #...

I am not totally sure what I am asking.  This is a request that I received for a federal report.  Is there a way to capture statistics in Sierra for item records created for a web resource such as Gutenberg eBooks that are simply URLs that a student would click on and go to the website to access?  As far as I know, without a barcode to physically checkout the resource, Sierra will not track this type of item usage.

Total Digital/Electronic Circulation or Usage - Report usage of digital/electronic titles whether viewed, downloaded, or streamed.

Include usage for e-books and e-media titles only, even if the title was purchased as part of a database. Do not include usage of titles in Demand-Driven Acquisition (DDA) or Patron-Driven Acquisition (PDA) collections until they have been purchased or leased by the library. Do not include transactions of VHS, CDs, or DVDs, as the transactions of these materials are reported under "physical circulation".

Many vendors will provide usage statistics in COUNTER reports. Project COUNTER Code of Practice is available here<http://www.projectcounter.org/code_practice.html>. Relevant COUNTER reports for e-books are: BR1-Number of Successful Title Requests by Month and Title; and BR2-Number of Successful Section Requests by Month and Title. For media, the report MR1-Number of Successful Multimedia Full Content Unit Requests by Month and Collection, is most relevant.

If COUNTER reports are available, IPEDS suggest that libraries report counts from BR1 and MR1. If BR1 and MR1 statistics are not available, BR2 and MR2 statistics can be used. In cases where vendors do not provide COUNTER reports, libraries may report using other means for monitoring digital/electronic circulation/usage (downloads, session views, transaction logs, etc.).

Kathy Renner | Serials and Electronic Resources Coordinator Reeves Library | Westminster College  | 501 Westminster Avenue | Fulton, MO 65251
(573) 592-5248 | Kathy.Renner@westminster-mo.edu<mailto:Kathy.Renner@westminster-mo.edu>


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Beth M. Johns, MLIS
Electronic Resources Librarian
Liaison to Communication, Criminal Justice, Electrical & Mechanical Engineering, Modern Foreign Languages Melvin J. Zahnow Library Saginaw Valley State University
LinkedIn: Beth M. Johns, MLIS


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