Cancellations Based on Price Increases Birdie MacLennan 15 Jan 1992 19:34 UTC

2 messages, 49 lines:

Date:         Wed, 15 Jan 1992 12:56:00 EDT
From:         Eleanor Cook <COOKEI@APPSTATE.BITNET>
Subject:      Re: Cancellations Based on Price Increases

I would consider such a move IF I knew we could have article-on-demand
access to those journals when our students and faculty needed them.
If we had access to one of the commercial services that are either out
there already or to one of the ones being promised, then I would cut
pricey journals with glee! I would much prefer to spend binding money,
check-in labor force, etc. on journals with heavy use, and get the
lesser-used ones via document delivery.

  However, that has not happened yet and I don't know when it will,
so for now I'm being cautious. And waiting patiently!

Eleanor Cook
Serials Librarian
Appalachian State University

[The above opinion is my own]


Date:         Wed, 15 Jan 1992 10:12:24 -0800
From:         Linda Gould <ljgould@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Cancellations Based on Price Increases

In our current round of cuts, selectors were asked to pay
attention to costly titles and "those known to be expecting a large price
increase."  They were sent recent Faxon 3 year price study reports. Also,
when a title has a large increase, the Serials Division sends the selector
a note requesting that the title be reviewed, but we do not have a set
policy on percentage of price increase as a basis for cancellation.

Linda Gould