International Subscription Agents, 6th ed. Lenore Wilkas 21 Jan 1992 20:49 UTC

Over 700 agent questionnaires for the 6th ed. of INTERNATIONAL SUBSCRIPTION
AGENTS, to be published by the American Library Association in early 1993,
are about ready to be distributed. This volume, which will be enlarged in
format and scope, will include agents that provide libraries with
subscriptions, monographic series standing orders, back issues, microform
and CD-ROM subscriptions.

Any interested vendors wishing to be included may submit their name and
address directly to me. Any librarians who use little-known or "specialty
vendors" should feel free to send that information directly to me.
After publication of the 5th edition, several librarians indicated that
they wished they had had input. Here's your chance!

Thanks for your help and for the many queries concerning the publication.
These queries convinced the publisher of the need for a new edition.

Lenore R. Wilkas

Serials Acquisitions Librn.
Univ. of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6278

Phone: 215-898-2815
Fax: 215-898-0559