This is the second (and last) time this survey request will appear on SERIALST before the results are compiled. Please respond directly to Sam Khosh-khui and not to the list. Thanks. --ed. ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Many thanks to those who responded to my original E-journal Survey questionnaire. There has been much interest in the results of my E-Journal Survey and several libraries who are at the beginning stages of establishing access to electronic journals would like to see the final results. Unfortunately, the number of responses to the questionnaire has been low. Part of this low rate of return may be due to the summer schedules of some libraries. Therefore, I would like to ask for your help once again. If your institution handles E-journals, I would appreciate receiving the completed questionnaire before the end of June 1993. Thank you so very much for taking time to complete the questionnaire. My original request follows: ------------------------------- Original Message ------------------------------ This message is cross-posted to several library oriented E-Conferences. Please excuse the duplication. We are in the process of planning to provide access to the electronic journals here at the Alkek Library, Southwest Texas State University. We would like to hear how other academic libraries handle this type of journals. If your library acquires e-journals and makes them accessible to the patrons, I would appreciate your completing the following questionnaire and directly E-Mailing it to the following address. I will summarize the results of this survey and post it on the list. Thank you in advance for your participation. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sam A. Khosh-khui, Ph. D. BITNET: SK03@SWTEXAS * * Serials Cataloging Librarian INTERNET: SK03@ACADEMIA.SWT.EDU * * Albert B. Alkek Library PHONE: 512/245-2288 * * Southwest Texas State University FAX: 512/245-3002 * * San Marcos, Texas 78666-4604 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * --------------------------- E-journal Questionnaire -------------------------- I. CURRENT ISSUES A. METHOD(S) OF PATRON ACCESS 1. Please mark any applicable methods you use: ___ Provide a print copy of e-journal text for patron's use ___ Run printout of the e-journal text by request only ___ Provide printers for patrons to print e-journal text themselves ___ Allow downloading to PC on floppy diskette ___ Allow downloading to user account in main computer ___ E-mail e-journal text to appropriate requester (such as faculty) ___ No patron access currently available ___ Other (please specify) _________________________________ B. METHOD(S) OF CURRENT ISSUES STORAGE 1. Please mark any applicable methods you use: ___ Provide access to e-journal text in OPAC ___ E-journal text archived in main computer for on request retrieval ___ Internet access outside of OPAC ___ Other online access ___ Printouts bound and shelved ___ Other (please specify) _________________________________ 2. How long are current issues kept?___________________________ C. METHOD(S) OF PATRON NOTIFICATION 1. Do you inform patrons of new e-journal issues received? Yes ____ No ____ If your answer was yes please continue. If no, skip to section II. 2. How are patrons notified? ___ E-mail e-journal text to appropriate patrons (faculty, for example) ___ E-mail issue citation to appropriate patrons (faculty, for example) ___ E-mail tables of contents to appropriate patrons ___ Mail print notification to appropriate patrons ___ Other (please specify) _________________________________ II. BACK ISSUES A. METHOD(S) OF PATRON ACCESS Please mark any applicable methods you use. If you do not retain back issues skip to section III. 1. Please mark any applicable methods you use: ___ Provide a print copy of e-journal text for patron's use ___ Run printout of the e-journal text by request only ___ Provide printers for patrons to print e-journal text themselves ___ Allow downloading to PC on floppy diskette ___ Allow downloading to user account in main computer ___ E-mail e-journal text to appropriate requester (such as faculty) ___ No patron access currently available ___ Other (please specify) _________________________________ B. METHOD(S) OF STORAGE 1. Please mark any applicable methods you use: ___ Provide access to e-journal text in OPAC ___ E-journal text archived in main computer for on request retrieval ___ Internet access outside of OPAC ___ Other online access ___ Printouts are bound and shelved ___ Other (please specify) __________________________________ 2. How long are back issues kept?____________________ C. If you electronically archive back issues of e-journals 1. What medium do you use? ___ Floppy disk ___ Microcomputer hard disk ___ Mainframe disk drive ___ Mainframe 8mm cartridge ___ Mainframe tape drive ___ Other (please specify) ________________________________ 2. How much required storage space per title do you consider as the average for each medium? Floppy disk Average kilobyte/title/year _______ Microcomputer hard disk Average kilobyte/title/year _______ Mainframe disk drive Average kilobyte/title/year _______ Mainframe 8mm cartridge Average kilobyte/title/year _______ Magnetic tape Average kilobyte/title/year _______ Other (Please specify) Average kilobyte/title/year _______ ______________________ III. METHODS OF ORGANIZING Do you Catalog or Classify E-journals? --- All e-journals are fully cataloged and classified --- All e-journals are briefly cataloged and not classified --- Selected e-journals are fully cataloged and classified --- Selected e-journals are briefly cataloged and not classified --- Other (Please specify) __________________________________________ IV. TYPES OF E-JOURNALS ACQUIRED ___ Free e-journals ___ Subscription e-journals ___ Scholarly e-journals ___ "Newsletter" e-journals ___ Others (Please specify)__________________________________________ V. SELECTION RESPONSIBILITY Who selects and/or recommends subscriptions to e-journals? (Please mark all applicable choices.) --- Faculty --- Librarians --- Students/patrons --- Staff (other than librarians) --- Others (Please specify) _______________________________________ VI. ACQUISITIONS RESPONSIBILITY Which Dept. in your library has the responsibility of subscribing to and setting up check in records for e-journals? --- Acquisitions --- Automation --- Cataloging --- Reference --- Computer system personnel (Non-librarians) --- Other (Please specify) _________________________________________ Comments: VII. DISTRIBUTION AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES Which Dept. in your library has the responsibility of distributing e-journals? (i.e., allowing access to patrons, and physically storing, or retrieving archived e-journals.) --- Acquisitions --- Automation --- Cataloging --- Reference --- Computer system personnel (Non-librarians) --- Other (Please specify) __________________________________________ Comments: VIII. INTER-LIBRARY LOAN How do you handle Inter-Library Loan for e-Journals? --- E-Mail the text of the e-journal to the requester --- Copy the text to a floppy diskette and mail it to the requester --- Print a paper copy of the text and mail it to the requester --- Other (Please specify) _________________________________________