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Library Cataloging: Internet Resources (ver. 2.O) Birdie MacLennan 01 Dec 1994 21:41 UTC

Forwarded from VPIEJ-L, with permission of Vianne Tang.  If you haven't
seen this guide yet, it's full of lots of useful info.   -- Birdie

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date:    Wed, 30 Nov 1994 08:22:49 EST
From:    Vianne Tang <>
Subject: Library cataloging INET guide ver. 2.0

This message is crossed posted to several lists, please pardon
the duplicates.

Thanks for a lot of helpful comments on the first version of this
guide.  A new version of the Library Cataloging: Internet
resources in electronic format, dated 11/15/94, is available for
access now.

What's in this guide and what to expect in the future?

     This guide covers description and location information of
cataloging-related Internet resources in six sections:
(A). LC systems and related documents; (B). National
bibliographic utilities catalogs, information servers, and
email lists; (C). Local library systems information servers and
email lists; (D). Professional associations servers and
publications; (E). Cataloging tools and training resources; and,
(F). Cataloging-Related software.  USMARC format 856
field is used to provide location and access information.
An outline of the USMARC format 856 field is attached.

    856 field is still provisional, changes will be made in
December.  This guide will be updated then.  Thanks for the
information provided by Rebecca Guenther, LC's Senior MARC
Standards Specialist, the next revision (expected in late
December) of this guide will include some new subfields and more
accurate interpretation of the 856 field.

    Hypertext format of this document is also under construction.
Immediate access to the full text documents and other electronic
resources through the USMARC 856 field of this guide is the goal
for the next version.  Message will be announced when it's

What's new in this version?

     The scope of this version is more comprehensive than
the first version.  A brand new section "Cataloging-Related
Software" is added.  Access information to major guides to
library catalogs and library-related email lists are
provided.  Some URLs are updated and some sections are
reorganized to include new resources.

Where to send comments?

     Comments, suggestions, additions, and modifications are
welcome.  Please send them to Vianne Sha,
TANG@LAW.MISSOURI.EDU.  If you create or compile any
cataloging resource on Internet that you want to share with other
library staff, you are also welcome to send either the URL or the
host and path of the resource to me.  I will include it in the
next revision.

How to access this guide?

     Access to this guide through:
1.   URL: gopher://
2.   Gopher to University of Michigan Libraries, follow the path:
     Contents of ULibrary Gopher
       Keyword Search (Type "SUBJECT ORIENTED")
         Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides (UMich)
           Guides on the Social Sciences
               Library Cataloging

Vianne Sha
(  /^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\  )
(  |                                           |  )
(  |               Vianne T. Sha               |  )
(  |     C a t a l o g   L i b r a r i a n     |  )
(  |                                           |  )
(  |          Room 224C  Hulston Hall          |  )
(  |           School of Law Library           |  )
(  |      University of Missouri-Columbia      |  )
(  |            Columbia,  MO 65211            |  )
(  |           PHONE: (314) 882-9680           |  )
(  |           FAX:   (314) 882-9676           |  )
(  |                                           |  )
(  |                                           |  )
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